
Install with GIT

The code is hosted on github so the easiest method to perform an initial installation is with git:

git clone

This will create a new subdirectory WeakLensingDeblending containing the latest stable version of the complete package.

Experts who already have a correctly configured github account might prefer this alternative:

git clone

Update with GIT

You can update your local copy of the package at any time using:

cd WeakLensingDeblending
git update

Getting Started

Programs can be run directly from the top-level directory without needing to set PYTHONPATH as long as you have the required packages already installed, e.g.:

cd WeakLensingDeblending
./ --help

For an introduction to the available programs, see here and for examples of running these programs see here.

Required Packages

The following python packages are required by this package:

  • numpy (version >= 1.9)
  • astropy (version >= 0.4)
  • fitsio (version >= 0.9.6)
  • galsim (version >= 1.2)
  • lmfit (version >= 0.8.3)

Note that numpy and astropy are both available in recent anaconda or enthought canopy distributions. The fitsio package is required for performance reasons, since the similar pure-python functionality in the module is too slow for this application. Installing GalSim is a more involved process, but well worth the effort. The lmfit package is only required if you will be running your own simulations.

You can check your astropy version using:

import astropy.version
print astropy.version.version

A version of at least 0.4 is required due to recent changes in tables. If you have a pre-0.4 version of astropy via anaconda, you can update using:

sudo conda update conda
sudo conda update anaconda

Note that some additional packages are required to query the LSST DM catalog, but you will not normally need to do this.

The psutil package is required if you use the –memory-trace command-line argument to the simulate program, but you normally would not need to do this.