Simulation Output

This document describes the content and format of the output file produced by the simulate program.

The output consists of a FITS file containing several header/data units (HDUs).

You can inspect an output file’s contents from an interactive python session, e.g.:

import fitso
fits = fitsio.FITS('demo.fits')
print fits[0] # simulated survey image
print fits[1] # analysis results

You can reconstruct the analysis descwl.analysis.OverlapResults using the descwl.output.Reader class, e.g.:

import descwl
results = descwl.output.Reader('demo.fits').results
print results.survey.description()

You will need to ensure that the descwl package directory is in your $PYTHONPATH for this example to work. See the skeleton program for a more complete example of using analysis results from python.

Simulated Survey Image

The primary HDU contains the final simulated image using double precision floats. All sources are superimposed in this source and fluxes are given in units of detected electrons during the full exposure time.

All of the descwl.survey.Survey constructor args are saved as header keywords in the primary HDU, using only the last eight characters in upper case for the corresponding keys. In addition, the class attribute variables listed below are saved to the header.

Key Class Attribute Description
NSLICES descwl.analysis.OverlapResults num_slices Number of slices for each per-object datacube
PSF_SIGM descwl.survey.Survey psf_sigma_m PSF size |Q|**0.25 in arcsecs (unweighted Q)
PSF_SIGP descwl.survey.Survey psf_sigma_m PSF size (0.5*trQ)**0.5 in arcsecs (unweighted Q)
PSF_HSM descwl.survey.Survey psf_size_hsm PSF size |Q|**0.25 in arcsecs (weighted Q)

To write a survey image with Poisson sky noise added to a new file, use e.g.:

import galsim,descwl
results = descwl.output.Reader('LSST_i.fits').results

Analysis Results

HDU[1] contains a binary table where each row represents one simulated source and the columns are described in the table below. Q refers to the second-moment tensor of the galaxy’s combined (bulge + disk + AGN) 50% isophote, including any cosmic shear but not the PSF. M refers to the second-moment tensor estimated using adaptive pixel moments and including the PSF. Note that the e1,e2 and hsm_e1,hsm_e2 parameters use different ellipticity conventions. HSM below refers to algorithms described in Hirata & Seljak (2003; MNRAS, 343, 459) and tested/characterized using real data in Mandelbaum et al. (2005; MNRAS, 361, 1287).

Name Type Description
db_id int64 Unique identifier for this source in the LSST DM catalog database
grp_id int64 Group identifier (db_id of group member with largest snr_grp)
grp_size int16 Number of sources in this group (equal to 1 for isolated sources)
grp_rank int16 Rank position of this source in its group based on decreasing snr_iso
visible int16 Is this source’s centroid within (1) our outside (0) the simulated image bounds?
Stamp Bounding Box
xmin int32 Pixel offset of left edge of bounding box relative to left edge of survey image
xmax int32 Pixel offset of right edge of bounding box relative to left edge of survey image
ymin int32 Pixel offset of bottom edge of bounding box relative to bottom edge of survey image
ymax int32 Pixel offset of top edge of bounding box relative to bottom edge of survey image
Source Properties
f_disk float32 Fraction of total galaxy flux to due a Sersic n=1 disk component
f_bulge float32 Fraction of total galaxy flux to due a Sersic n=4 bulge component
dx float32 Source centroid in x relative to image center in arcseconds
dy float32 Source centroid in y relative to image center in arcseconds
z float32 Catalog source redshift
ab_mag float32 Catalog source AB magnitude in the simulated filter band
ri_color float32 Catalog source color calculated as (r-i) AB magnitude difference
flux float32 Total detected flux in electrons
sigma_m float32 Galaxy size arcseconds calculated as |Q|**0.25
sigma_p float32 Galaxy size in arcseconds calculated as (0.5*trQ)**0.5
e1 float32 Real part (+) of galaxy ellipticity spinor (Q11-Q22)/(Q11+Q22+2|Q|**0.5)
e2 float32 Imaginary part (x) of galaxy ellipticity spinor (2*Q12)/(Q11+Q22+2|Q|**0.5)
a float32 Semi-major axis of 50% isophote ellipse in arcseconds, derived from Q
b float32 Semi-minor axis of 50% isophote ellipse in arcseconds, derived from Q
beta float32 Position angle of second-moment ellipse in radians, or zero when a = b
psf_sigm float32 PSF-convolved half-light radius in arcseconds calculated as |Q|**0.25
Pixel-Level Properties
purity float32 Purity of this source in the range 0-1 (equals 1 when grp_size is 1)
snr_sky float32 S/N ratio calculated by ignoring any overlaps in the sky-dominated limit (a)
snr_iso float32 Same as snr_sky but including signal variance (b)
snr_grp float32 Same as snr_sky but including signal+overlap variance (c)
snr_isof float32 Same as snr_grp but including correlations with fit parameters for this source (d)
snr_grpf float32 Same as snr_grp but including correlations with fit parameters for all sources (e)
Error on parameters (Square root of covariance matrix elements calculated from the Fisher Formalism)
ds float32 Error on scale dilation factor (nominal s=1) marginalized over flux,x,y,g1,g2 (d)
dg1 float32 Error on shear + component (nominal g1=0) marginalized over flux,x,y,scale,g2 (d)
dg2 float32 Error on shear x component (nominal g2=0) marginalized over flux,x,y,scale,g1 (d)
ds_grp float32 Same as ds but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources (e)
dg1_grp float32 Same as dg1 but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources (e)
dg2_grp float32 Same as dg2 but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources (e)
Bias on parameters (Calculated from Fisher Formalism)
bias_f float32 Bias on galaxy’s flux marginalized over scale,x,y,g1,g2.
bias_s float32 Bias on scale dilation factor (nominal s=1) marginalized over flux,x,y,g1,g2
bias_g1 float32 Bias on shear + component (nominal g1=0) marginalized over flux,x,y,scale,g2
bias_g2 float32 Bias on shear x component (nominal g2=0) marginalized over flux,x,y,scale,g1
bias_x float32 Bias on source’s centroid in x relative to image center in arcseconds marginalized over flux,y,scale,g1,g2
bias_y float32 Bias on source’s centroid in y relative to image center in arcseconds marginalized over flux,x,scale,g1,g2
bias_f_grp float32 Same as bias_f but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources.
bias_s_grp float32 Same as bias_s but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources.
bias_g1_grp float32 Same as bias_g1 but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources.
bias_g2_grp float32 Same as bias_g2 but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources.
bias_x_grp float32 Same as bias_x but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources.
bias_y_grp float32 Same as bias_y but also marginalizing over parameters of any overlapping sources.
HSM Analysis Results (ignoring overlaps)
hsm_sigm float32 Galaxy size |M|**0.25 in arcseconds from PSF-convolved adaptive second moments
hsm_e1 float32 Galaxy shape e1=(M11-M22)/(M11+M22) from PSF-convolved adaptive second moments
hsm_e2 float32 Galaxy shape e1=(2*M12)/(M11+M22) from PSF-convolved adaptive second moments
Systematics Fit Results
g1_fit float32 Best-fit value of g1 from simultaneous fit to noise-free image
g2_fit float32 Best-fit value of g2 from simultaneous fit to noise-free image

The figure below illustrates the different Fisher-matrix error-estimation models (a-e) used to define the pixel-level properties and referred to in the table above. The green bands show the variance used in the Fisher-matrix denominator and the arrows indicate the parameters that are considered floating for calculating marginalized parameter errors. Vertical arrows denote flux parameters and horizontal arrows denote the size and shape parameters (dx,dy,ds,dg1,dg2).


If any Fisher matrix is not invertible or yields non-positive variances, galaxies are iteratively dropped (in order of increasing snr_iso) until a valid covariance is obtained for the remaining galaxies. The corresponding values in the analysis results table will be zero for signal-to-noise ratios and infinite (numpy.inf) for errors on s,g1,g2.

You can load just the analysis results catalog from the output file using, e.g.:

import astropy.table
catalog ='demo.fits',hdu=1)

To scroll through the table in an interactive python session, use:


To browse the catalog interactively (including seaching and sorting), use:


To plot a histogram of signal-to-noise ratios for all visible galaxies (assuming that matplotlib is configured):


Rendered Galaxy Stamps

HDU[n+1] contains an image data cube for stamp n = 0,1,... Each data cube HDU has header keywords X_MIN and Y_MIN that give the pixel offset of the stamp’s lower-left corner from the lower-left corner of the full simulated survey image. Note that stamps may be partially outside of the survey image, but will always have some pixels above threshold within the image.

DS9 Usage

If you open an output file with the DS9 program you will normally only see the full simulated survey image in the primary HDU. You can also use the File > Open As > Multiple Extension Cube... to view the nominal rendered stamp for each visible galaxy (but not any partial derivative images).